Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why I've created this Blog Page

Hello Everybody, Welcome to: I Don't Know.....What Do You Think.  As you can see by the date of the 1st entry  I wrote this back in October of 2009- I think about things for a long time, and I wonder, what do other people think. I've been reading a lot of blogs that have been thought provoking, entertaining and informational. There are people that I know personally and people that I've "met" in Cyberspace that have interesting takes on what's happening in day to day life, whether it be on a personal level, things in the news, political, etc.  So with all of the thoughts that stay in my mind - I sometimes wonder what other people think.

The date is October 6, 2009 and I’ve just read the article in the Chicago Tribune regarding the violence of Chicago’s youth in relation to the murder of Derrion Albert.

The violence needs to stop, but how? 

Gangs, students and who ever might feel they have a “right” – You do have rights, people in the past worked long and hard so that you could have rights. Your actions today nullify all that was done to give you a better life. You have rights, but you don’t have any territory. The streets of Chicago don’t belong to any of you. They belong to all of you, to all of us. Yes, your neighborhoods are your neighborhoods. Your neighborhood is where your home is, where there should be peace. But because your “neighborhood” does not belong to you, let someone peacefully walk through it. If they look lost, help them, don’t hurt them.

Schools: believe me overcrowding is not the choice of the students that have come to what you consider your school. CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. They belong to all of you, to all of us.

Make a conscious effort. Stop, count and think before you act.

Your thought: That boy or girl doesn’t belong here.  Stop – who are you to make that determination? Count to 25, 50, 75 or what ever number you need to count to, to help you come to your senses and walk away without even starting something. As you count, think – What can happen if I don’t control myself – Could there be a fight? Could somebody get hurt? Could somebody die? Could somebody go to jail for the rest of his/her life? You know the answer to all of the above is unfortunately yes. Does that make sense?

Your thought: I can’t stand him/her. Again count. Think – so what if you can’t stand them, they probably can’t stand you either. There are times when teenagers go through these feelings. There may be a reason and sometimes there’s no reason at all. Does it hurt your pride to walk away? Probably. So what, walk away anyway! And if the other person chooses to walk away let them. Don’t think of the other person as turning their back on you, disrespectfully. Know that they are walking away – and let them. Everybody keep your mouth shut. You don’t have to have the last word. Sometimes that last word will really be the last word, ending in death or jail. Senseless!

There’s an old saying that apparently no longer exists – Don’t start none, won’t be none! Everything starts somewhere. If you are the one thinking of starting something – DON’T

In talking about the situation of Derrion Albert with my daughter who attended Harlan many years ago, I’m finding out this has been an ongoing problems. Harlan’s rival was Carver. In this conversation, I asked her why. She said, “Nobody knows – tradition I guess”. As an adult, she now sees it was a very senseless tradition. There are people she grew up with that are no longer living. They died for stupid reasons; because they had on a white tee- shirt; because they got off at the wrong bus stop.

These schools don’t belong to you. They belong to all of you, to all of us. Chicago streets don’t belong to you, they belong to all of you, to all of us. Do you want your mother to have to bury her child (you or your sibling) or do you want your mother to have to visit you in jail for the rest of your life? The main question to ask is: Do you want to continue to live in violence, anger and yes fear. Everything in life is a choice. Please start thinking young people – and older people. People – THINK!

What Do You Think?


  1. Pammy,

    Our youth today seemed lost or just don't care which concerns me. "We" the people must reunite as a village to uplift the youth in a positive light. Let's keep them in prayer, tomorrow is another day.

    PS, Awesome blog, I'm subscribed. :)

  2. The problem is kids don't see consequences. Their brains aren't matured and they assume bad things happen to other people. I see many times parents don't take responsibility for their actions so the kids don't learn to either.

  3. The problem is everyone wants to prove a point (at the expense of others) but a point all the same, not caring what the consequences of their actions will be. Asked several years later, these same people won't know what got over them, the only thing certain is the guilt or regret they carry along with them, each and every day. Looking at the consequences before engaging in an action would have prevented all this but a prior knowledge of this and better yet realization, will be the determining factor for a youth so full of anger for all the wrong reasons...
    PS: beautiful blog by the way Pam, can't wait to read more

  4. WOW, this was very Powerful Pam!! STL is having some of the same problems! Looks like every city in America is struggling to come up with a solution to help our youth!! Bravo on the blog! :-)
    Looking forward to the next one!! Peace and Blessings

    LaTonya R.

  5. I agree with all that has been posted. Unfortunately there are too many ideas, too much talk, not enough action. I think the strategy made need to be changed from enlightening the children to enlightening the adults. The kids act a fool because no adult reins it in. The kids won't learn because the adults won't teach them. Kids are like computers, they only do what they are programmed to do. Adults need to program their children with what is right instead of letting tv, music and the environment program them. When the kids act out, the adults need to held accountable. All we do now and show our kids is that you must maintain your individuality and privacy so they do that the only way they know how because no one has taught them how to handle what they feel and think.

  6. This is one of my main reasons for not sending my child to a public high school. I know that she is not "totally safe/protected" from teenage violence simply because she does not attend a public school. However, it does ease my mind that her school has a "zero tolerance" policy on bullying and fighting. I appreciate the commitment that her school has for the safety of all the students. As parents we must teach our children how to deal with their emotions. Shoot...we all have them and sometimes they are out of control. Emotional management should be taught in all schools. We must learn that we cannot simply "SNAP OFF" because we're pissed at something or someone. Over the years we have taken way too much pride in our ability to unleash our catabolic emotions. I have much to say and could go on for a long time but it's time to get back to work.

  7. Pam, you hit on some great points! I feel if EVERYONE stopped thought and counted before acting, the possibilites would be limitless!! Tanya

  8. very though provoking piece. Hopefully, people will start to get the message. I hope you get to share it with a wider audience. looking forward to your next piece!

  9. It's sad to know that this is still happening today. I grew up with this type of foolishness and can remember people losing their life. I never understood and still don't understand how people fell they own a street, corner, or school. This has been going on for years many complain and no action is taking place......Thought provoking!
